Woman killed in city house

UNB, Dhaka :
Robbers looted gold, cash and other valuables after strangulating a young woman to death in the city’s North Jatrabari area on Friday night.
The deceased was identified as Syeda Sajedun Nahar, 35, daughter of SM Kamruzzaman, a resident of Rajonigondha Road of North Jatrabari.
Police said, two of the bandits rented a flat of the ground floor of a 3-storey building of North Jatrabari introducing themselves as students to the owner two days ago.
Accordingly, the gangsters knocked the main door the flat of SM Kamruzzaman, the owner
of the building, on the first floor saying that they need a chair to fit a fan of their room at about 9:30 pm, said Sub-inspector (SI) Jasimuddin of Jatrabari police station.
When the door was opened, the two tenants along with 5-6 others entered the flat and kept inmates hostage at gun points. They tied up Kamruzzaman, his wife and also daughters Syeda Sejedun Nahar.
As Sajedun tried to resist the bandits, they strangled her to death, said SI Jasim.
Later, the bandits fled the scene taking away around 4-5 tolas of gold ornaments, some cash and other valuables, SI Jasim added.
Abani Sutra Dhar, officer-in-charge of Jatrabari Police Station said they are investigating the incident. The incident took place between 10:30pm to 12 pm, said the OC.
No case was filed till Saturday evening.