Dr Shama murder case: Withdrawal of IO demanded

Jessore Correspondent :
Engineer Nurul Islam, father of Dr Shamarukh Mahjabin Shama who was killed allegedly by the in-laws on November 13, on Saturday demanded withdrawal of investigation from the charge of investigation in the murder case claiming him as motivated.
He also asks the concerned not to consider the first post mortem report as valid as it was made based on ill-motive.
The demands of Engineer Nurul Islam came at a press conference held at Jessore Press Club on Saturday noon.
In the press conference, Nurul Islam said the investigation officer of the case assistant superintendent of police, criminal investigation department did not collect the evidence of phone calls of my dead daughter, accused and complainant what I demanded in a written appellation. ‘The house helps, driver and security guards of Khan Tipu Sultan were not quizzed, too,’ he added.
He also said the IO of the case quizzed three members of his family for several hours. ‘I have no faith on the IO,’ the victim’s father said.
The body of Dr Shama was exhumed from the grave on December 4 for second post mortem examination following a court order. The doctors who examined it for the second time could not be able to produce any clear report of the post mortem.
In another press conference held at Jessore Press Club on November 19, Nurul Islam demanded the arrest of former law maker Khan Tipu Sultan and other members of his family. He claimed that his daughter was killed as she wanted to leak evidences of heinous acts of her father in-law.
Dr Shamarukh Mahjabin Shama was the wife of Humayun Sultan Sadab, eldest son of Khan Tipu Sultan, Awami League leader and former lawmaker for Jessore-5.