Commentary: With Trump as President American values are under grave challenge: We shall only pray

Editorial Desk :
Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th US President took place amidst unprecedented protests that organisers plan to continue over the week at many places in an atmosphere of doom and gloom countrywide.
Most people all over the world also watched the event in dismay as the person not liked by most of his countrymen for being terribly un-American. The new President is seen as a bull in a China shop breaking and destroying everything that made America the leader of the world for the values of freedom and human rights. Mr Trump’s admiration for President Putin of Russia should be most disconcerting for America and the rest of the free world.
His low taste and errant outlook towards women, hatred to Muslim immigrants and slipping commitment to US allies in Europe and the Middle East that puts Russian interest on top are overshadowing the transition. Never before such a scandalous person — a real estate mogul — won the US elections using lies, slanders and populist slogans to surprise the nation and the entire world.
The politics of Trump is set to critically hurt the multiracial character of the US society and President Barack Obama in his last farewell press conference made the plea again to uphold and respect social values that made America great. He also asked Americans to hold on their democratic ground and defend the rights of others.
News report said Washington took the look of a virtual fortress on Friday ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration. More than a quarter-million protesters gathered on the occasion. Police have forecast that some 900,000 people, both supporters and opponents flooded Washington streets and enough law enforcers were mobilized to thwart any move to break the peace.
What is most significant is that over 60 Congressmen of the Democratic Party did not attend the inauguration that never happened in US history in the past. Even John Lewis, the iconic civil right leaders who worked with Martin Luther King in early 1960s and was a long time Congressman from Democratic Party in comments last week refused to accept Donald Trump as a rightly elected President.
Earlier his slanderous comments on Lewis even angered most Republicans who are facing the biggest dilemma how to accept Trump and work with him when it is also difficult to abandon him after being elected on Republican ticket.
Meanwhile most celebrities from Hollywood and representing the civil society have refused to attend the inauguration. Top music bands declined invitation to perform on the occasion.
Reuters said about 30 groups, many of them are opposed to Trump presidency have received permission to bring supporters to Washington. More protests are also expected without permits.
By far the biggest protest will be Women’s March in Washington on Saturday, which organizers expect to draw 250,000 people. Hundreds of Women’s March-related protests are also scheduled across the United States and around the world.
Trump is taking over with only 40 percent support while Obama is leaving behind 62 percent support even after 8 years in the White House. Washington police estimate suggests less than one million will gather at Trump’s inauguration including protesters while Barack Obama’s inauguration saw more than two million in 2008.
People are critically worried how US domestic politics and international relation will look like after Trump’s take over. His vow to repeal the Obamacare health insurance and to build a wall along the US-Mexico border is bound to cause socio-political chaos. Many fear his lack of interest to NATO defense for Western Europe and love for Russian President Vladimir Putin may eventually lead to disintegration of post Second World War political order in Europe. His closeness to Russia may also endanger Muslim states.
Trump may equally trigger a trade war with China and the scrapping of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement for free trade negotiated with some Asia-Pacific nations by the Obama administration may similarly hinder trade.
His vow to renegotiate NAFTA, which is also a free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico may end up in greater break-down in global free trade. The broad economic and political impacts of such policy may be far reaching to world peace and stability at the end.
We have hope in the greatness of American people. The nation may be sharply polarised but a huge number of the people are protesting and sending powerful messages of not accepting the kind of indecency, arrogance and intellectual perversion their new President Donald Trump embodies. They are saying we are here not to allow the values of the Founding Fathers to be ignored and sullied. President Obama while bidding farewell assured his people that things would be alright but they have to try hard.