WIEF vows to promote Islamic finance to bridge economic gap

BSS, Dhaka :
The World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) has vowed to continue to promote the development of Islamic Finance to bridge economic gap through strengthening economic activity and growth.
In addition, it also agreed to promote and enhance the development of women and youth entrepreneurship.
The decisions were come at the 10th WIEF that held in Dubai recently, said a press release of South East Asian Cooperation Foundation (SEACO).
The WIEF also recommended for the establishment of the WIEF-IDB International Working Group on Waqf Development that acts as an information depository centre as well as a clearing house of information.
In the WIEF, six heads of State and Governments and President of IDB took part. Besides, eight global Leaders, 12 Ministers, four central Bank Governors and 3215 participants from 104 countries attended the forum.