Why some people’s cold is worse than others

Weekend Plus Desk :
Catching a cold, especially in winter is pretty normal and galling. But for some people it is nothing less than a nightmare. They blow their nose 100 times a day, their eyes are constantly watery, they experience throbbing pain in their head and it feels like the world around them is coming to an end. But do you have any idea why this happens? Well, the researchers have recently found a reason behind this.
The truth revealed
As per a study, the severity of your cold is determined by a particular type of microscopic organism found inside your nose.
The study
As per the study carried out at the University of Virginia Health System, different kind of natural bacteria are found in the nose of different people. They can be broadly divided into six patterns of nasal microbiomes.
 To carry out the study, the researchers examined 152 volunteers’ noses and gave them a cold-causing virus. It was found that different nasal microbiomes patterns made the symptoms of cold severe for some people.
The study also suggests that people with a lot of the Staphylococcus bacteria in their noses had more nasal symptoms when they suffer from cold. However, remember that the nasal microbiomes are not responsible for causing cold. It is done by the virus, but the nasal microbiomes make it worse for some people. This might aggravate the symptoms and your cold might last longer as compared to others.
Tricks to handle your cold
There are plenty of over-the-counter medicines available in the market that can provide relief and reduce the symptoms of a cold. Apart from this, there are numerous home remedies that can help to ease the symptoms.