Why is Mona Singh behaving like Jashodaben?


Heavy work schedule is not something that is new to an actor, especially one with a television background. But Mona Singh has experienced so much of ‘promotion work’ in the last month that she is amazed at the amount of work one has to put into promotions of one’s movie. “We started the promotions of ZED PLUS in the last week of October and are still travelling,” reveals the actress who has (within the span of three weeks) along with the cast,made it to Bhopal, Jaipur, Pushkar, Ajmer Sharif, Ahmedabad,Baroda, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chandigarh and Haryana. “We have attended press conferences in all these places and what has amazed me the most is the warmth I have received from the journalists and the people,” smiles Mona.
