When the pain becomes never-ending! Unplanned and uncoordinated digging of roads in different city areas is going on for a long time making the dwellers’ daily life miserable, causing sufferings to commuters every day. But nobody knows when it will end as the utility providers do not bother about anguish of the people. The photo was taken on Sunday from city’s Badda area.

When the pain becomes never-ending! Unplanned and uncoordinated digging of roads in different city areas is going on for a long time making the dwellers' daily life miserable, causing sufferings to commuters every day. But nobody knows when it will end a
When the pain becomes never-ending! Unplanned and uncoordinated digging of roads in different city areas is going on for a long time making the dwellers' daily life miserable, causing sufferings to commuters every day. But nobody knows when it will end a

