When being loved becomes a chore


Life Desk :

The general purpose of any romantic relationship is to bring with it emotional stability, love, caring and feeling of belonging. It’s tragic that many of us are so co-dependent on another to bring these factors into their lives. Such a dependency also means that if the relationship ends, then by default we are unloved, unstable, uncared for and anchorless.
Every person should strive to be warm, positive, well-balanced, with oodles of self-love emanating irrespective of a relationship. People should enter your life to add to your life, to enhance it. To show you new dimensions, bring new happier realities, to better your journey on this planet, to make you aware of your own strength and inner beauty. To journey together as equals and partners, with caring, compassion and concern. When you take a relationship or person for granted, the caring diminishes. And that’s such a shame because this simple word ‘caring’, is the most integral part of a relationship. It then becomes a duty, and then most people feel that just by being there and having fun times that they have done their ‘duty’. A romantic relationship is not a ‘duty’ and by being so, it defeats the very purpose of its existence. It soon leads to lack of communication, loss of emotions, becomes a chore and leads to neglect. Most people hold on to relationships even though the partner causes them to not feel a positive way, are continuously bleeding their positive nature and causing constant deep anguish. To hold on to a relationship that is painful, traumatic or puts you off balance is stupidity, because it defeats the very purpose and reason for being in the relationship in the first place.
I am a 20-year-old girl in love with my neighbour. We have been friends for a long time now and I wish to take it to the other level. But I am not sure whether I should do it. Please advice.
It would affect the relationship if you were to make a move and he reject you, so, if you have any close mutual friends, ask them to figure out if he has any romantic feelings for you or if it’s just platonic on his behalf. Else, you can try ‘joking’ about him and you being couple and see his reaction to it. That’s about as direct as you can get without it becoming uncomfortable!
I am a 19-year-old boy and have a huge crush on my college professor. My friends tease me and I end up feeling guilty most of the time. What should I do? It’s okay to have a crush. It’s also okay to be teased about it. But why on earth are you feeling guilty? It’s not unusual for students to have a crush on their professors. As long as you’re not crossing lines or breaking any rules and laws, how does a fantasy ever become a bad thing?
I have a 12-year-old son. Off late, I have seen him researching on adult topics on the internet. I have spoken to my husband about it, but we are both clueless as to how we should talk it out with him.
Get adult sites blocked on his computer by an expert. Don’t make a scene about it, just sit him down and say whatever he has been researching is something not appropriate for his age. That as strange, perhaps exciting, scary and attractive as all of it may appear, it is something he should view when he can understand it in the correct context, because to view it before an appropriate age (state a reasonable age), will only affect him adversely.
