Readers' Forum: What can money buy?


There goes the saying, “money is the root of all evil.” It is hundred percent correct, when we look around, we see so many violent incidents and the main cause behind which is the greed for wealth and wealth brings power. Some people will go to any length to achieve those. But does money really bring happiness?
I am putting up a poem written by an unknown author-
What money can buy
“A bed but not sleep
Books but not knowledge
Food but not appetite
Finery but not beauty
A house but not a home
Medicine but not health
Luxuries but not comfort
Pleasures but not happiness
Religion but no salvation.
Say not that this is yours and that is mine
Just say, this came to you and me;
So we may not regret the fading shine,
Of all this glorious things which ceased to be”
Thus, it is evident that wealth or money is not the last word in the temporal world. There are many other things that make human life worth living.

Nur Jahan
