Webinar on Covid Pandemic held at NSU

Campus Report :
North South University (NSU) and the Department of Economics, School of Business and Economics, NSU jointly organized a webinar titled ‘Socio-Economic Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women of Bangladesh’ on Saturday.The webinar was broadcasted live on North South University’s Official Facebook page and Zoom Online Platform at 11 AM. It was moderated by Dr Kanti Ananta Nuzhat, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, NSU.
Former President of FBCCI, Founder Chairman of Southeast Bank Limited & Chairman, Board of Trustees (BOT), North South University (NSU) MA Kashem was present as the Chief Guest. Rehana Rahman and Yasmin Kamal, Members, Board of Trustees, NSU were present as Special Guests. Dr Fahmida Khatun, Executive Director, CPD, Dr Nazneen Ahmed, Senior Rsearch Fellow, BIDS, Dr Sayema Haque Bidisha, Professor, DU, Nobonita Chowdhury, Director, GJD, BRAC and Fariha Panni, writer were present as Distinguished Speakers in the webinar.
Speaking as the Chief Guest, Chairman, Board of Trustees (BOT), NSU MA Kashem said, the effects of Covid-19 are currently not limited to health problems. Its adverse effects are also being felt in the economic and social sectors of the country. Research by various international organizations is predicting a recession. The effects of the recession are particularly significant since World War II.A United Nations study has found that Covid-19 has added new responsibilities to the scope of women’s work, called unpaid service, even though a woman has to spend three times as much as a man. The impact of the recession is being felt by women living in extreme poverty.In addition to the formal sector in Bangladesh, the participation of women in the economy in all sectors, such as cottage, micro, small and medium enterprises, women entrepreneurs and women workers in the informal sector have spread to various dimensions. As a former chairman of the FBCCI, I know there is no substitute for proper employment. At the same time, women need to ensure a balance between work and housework.Their role and contribution to the economy must be recognized.
Speaking as the Special Guest, BOT Member of NSU, Rehana Rahman said, “The Covid-19 pandemic has more serious impact on women than it has on men globally. Women, both in the formal sector and informal sector, are facing challenges at workplace as well as home due to increased workload. Due to staying home most of the time, their field of social communication has become smaller, on the other hand, exercise, travel, etc. have decreased.As a result, they are facing two kinds of difficulties – physical and mental. Looking at the news, reading – Discrimination, oppression, torture against women is increasing, girls dropping out of school is increasing and child marriage is increasing. In such a situation, I think today’s discussion will play a special role.”