We welcome the peace deal with Talibans to end the endless war

In an extraordinary development in international politics, the United States on Saturday signed a historic peace deal with the Taliban with the intention to make an end to the years of conflict in Afghanistan.
It was America’s longest war against any foreign country. Under the deal, all US troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan in 14 months.
Since the US invasion following the Twin-Tower terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the war between the two countries had claimed lives of more than 3,500 Americans and coalition troops and tens of thousands of Afghans.
It was a full-scale conventional war. During the peak of fighting, there were more than 100,000 American troops in Afghanistan and tens of thousands of others from the U.S.-led NATO coalition.
After signing the deal US President Donald Trump said: “I’ll be meeting personally with Taliban leaders in the not too distant future.”All is good as gesture for peace deal to be strong for both sides. But release of five thousand Taliban prisoners as stated in the deal will itself be a sticky point.
Like others we are also eager to see the destructive war in Afghanistan is over and with that hope in mind we welcome the agreement. It is especially for Talibans to know how much damage and loss have been inflicted on their own people.
There should also be this realisation that neither America nor Talibans can win complete victory. Talibans must also realise that the world is changing and it is prudent to accept changes good for progress.
Afghanistan has great potentials to achieve big successes for the glory of the people and the country. Any comparison with the US retreat from Vietnam is not worth consideration.
The way of winning through terrorism is simply impossible in the modern world. Terrorism is self-inflicting and self-defeating catastrophe.
It is painful for us to see how the awesome US power of destruction has disintegrated life in Afghanistan. We believe that this agreement is the result of realisation that none of them can win and compromises have to be made to end the endless war.
We are also sure that Taliban leadership is not so naive not to understand that the Afghan crisis has also been made complicated by other forces hoping to be benefitted selfishly.
It is also our hope that the decision makers in Washington have understood that the fire power only cannot make the world a better place. America first is a third world country policy not a policy of the world leader country. The USA must pursue the policy of human values.
President Trump for his insane support for Israel is going terribly wrong. Prejudice against Muslims must be given up.
Supporting leadership of Israel’s Netanyahu against Muslims will bring disaster for the world. The role of Israel under the leadership of Netanyahu is to patronise terrorism among Muslims in the Middle East.
While making sensible efforts to bring peace in Afghanistan we shall urge the US leadership to review its policy towards Israel.