Victory month December: We remember Ouderland: A warrior of our Liberation War

HM Babu :
Ouderland was the great warrior who took part in the Bangladesh Liberation War 1971. He was also a commando officer and World War II veteran. He was born in December 6, 1917 at Amsterdam in Netherlands.
 His birth day was on December 6 .  
He started work with the Bata shoe company. He was called up serve as a sergeant in the Dutch Royal Signals corps on the eve of Nazi invasion in 1940. I salute you and honour you by spreading this inspiring article to the world. He was taken prisoner by the Nazis but soon escaped from the POW camp and joined the Dutch resistance.
He spoke fluent German which helped him keep the resistance as well as the Allied forces abreast of German movements. Following the end of the World War II, he returned to work for Bata. He was posted as the CEO of Bata operation in the then East Pakistan on the eve of our War of Liberation. Brutal repression and occupation of unarmed Bangladeshis by the Pakistani occupation army reminded him of the similar brutalities perpetrated by the Nazis in occupation Europe. He fully appreciated legitimacy of Bangladeshi resistance against the brute forces of occupation.
He felt the acute need to make the world aware of the extent of genocide. As he was able to move freely as a foreigner, he took photographs of the atrocities committed by Pakistan and their agents. He then passed these photographs to the world press.
As CEO of a major multinational, he enjoyed close access to higher echelon of the occupation forces. Indeed, he had close personal relationship with Gens Tikka Khan and Nazi. He then passed these vital information on to the Mukti Bahini (Babgali guerrilla regiment of ’71). As the war progressed, he secretly began to train and assist local youths around the Tongi area in the art of guerilla resistance. He sent his family away from occupied Bangladesh so the he could turn his residence into a safe heaven for our freedom fighters and their weapons. He was awarded gallantry award BIR PROTIK for his contribution to our War of Liberation !!!
Ouderland remained in Bangladesh until 1978 and was transferred to Australia thereafter. He later settled in Australia and died after prolonged ailment at the age of 84 in a hospital at the Western Australian city of Perth on 18 May 2001. His love and concern for Bangladesh was undiminished until his last days. Rest in peace Ouderland! You will be always in our heart and I will make sure to light candle for you in my church.