We remember Bangabandhu on this fateful day

TODAY is the National Mourning Day, the nation pays profound respect to the martyrs on this fateful day when a group of deranged soldiers had killed the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a bloody coup with all his family members. They carried out the brutality with impeccable barbarity in which Bangabandhu’s spouse, his sons, daughters- in-laws and in all 14 were killed in the early morning attack on his Dhanmondi residence and at some parts of the city.
We know that in those difficult days not only Bangabandhu’s enemies but his own people created the crisis for him. Every sort of problem was made for discrediting his government. Bangabandhu was in a desperate situation. He thought democracy was not the way to deal with the crisis. He again like before fell in the wrong guidance. Bangabandhu was used to destroy democracy under which open division and responsible advice could be available.
Bangabandhu often criticised his partymen for their corruption and unruly conduct. Under the present government corruption also has no check.
We should think his senior party leaders should have taken a strong position to tell him what went wrong was not democracy but his party rogues and corrupt party men. They must be purged and punished.
Strangely, those who had formal corruption cases against them were trusted as governors under his revolutionary government.
No free press and or independent judiciary had been kept to help Bangabandhu run an honest and competent government. The running of the government became a dark secret, the outsiders must not know what was going on.
Bangabandhu used to say with pride that Bengalis will not kill him. The enemies of democracy made that possible. He was a great leader who believed in people’s free access to him. But the revolutionary politics isolated him from the people. He became a lonely figure to be manipulated by anti-people forces in the darkness of the office rooms.
Bangabandhu was not killed by a few deranged freedom fighters, there was a big blue-print to destroy him. First the planners made him isolated from the people then executed the plan.
To some, politics means power and good life. But once you are isolated from the people and in the wrong hands of dark elements it is a ruthless game. As a system of government, open and law abiding, is the safest government.
We shall say that mourning for the killing of Bangabandhu and his family members is easy. We cannot forget also the painful fact that in the process all the senior leaders of Awami League were killed. There must have been a vicious long term plan for ending Awami League leadership for killing democracy. The process has survived. The government is seen as a danger to the people and the government cannot trust the people and seek their vote.
Politics for the good of the people is easier said than done. The leadership for the running of a good government is a highly knowledgeable affair gathered from all sides.
We ask the government to pause and think while mourning for the loss of Bangabandhu whether we have learned to make the situation less dangerous for the government or the people.