We need unity and united efforts to contain the most dangerous virus: We see no such urgency

The government of Bangladesh has suspended flights from several countries as a precaution against coronavirus infected people entering Bangladesh. Many other countries have closed their borders.
So this decision was unavoidable for the government. But we must guard our difficult borders with all the urgency.
Despite mobilisation of the whole nation, many other countries with big resources admit that the challenge is overwhelming. They have taken measures to meet the daily human needs of the persons in quarantine.
Special attention is paid to take care of the old and elderly persons who are more vulnerable to the pandemic. At least 108 people tested positive in India as of Sunday with three reported death from the disease.
On the other hand, the three states bearing the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe have all recorded their highest death tolls for a single day on Sunday. Italy saw 368 deaths bringing its total to 1,809, Spain recorded 97 more deaths for a total of 288, and France reported 29 deaths, giving a total of 120. The UK also saw a single-day record, with 14 new deaths and a total of 35.
Here, our people do not see their government is trying to bring unity for the benefit of making united efforts needed to deal with the unprecedented human crisis. The government has no time to see how the world is concerned to protect the proletariat and stop the progress of the disease.
 What we want to say is that the government machinery has become creaky and unmindful about their responsibility towards the people. So the government should organise volunteers and train them for being helpful.
Politics has made many of our young ones dangerous criminals. But there are young university students and others who will too eager to volunteer their services. We need them.
There is no denying that we are unprepared in many ways for resource constrains and we should not hesitate to seek help where help is needed. Italy is very efficient and organised country to help its people impacted by the virus. Yet, China has come to Italy with equipment etc. in an extensive way to boost the Italy government’s efforts.
Our government seems not to be worried. Our capacity to test to know how extensively we are affected by the virus is woefully limited. Many countries are most anxious to increase their hospital capacity. We are not even concerned about it. Whatever treatment is available it can be provided by a hospital only.
We are not sure if the government cares to know how huge the crisis is. It is not just our impression but that is way the world sees us. We see no campaign to spread public awareness about the protection against the coronavirus.
Even in rich countries care and treatment of coronavirus patients are provided free whereas our government appears to have no time to take effective steps for saving lives or worry about the growing crisis. It is officially now admitted that there are five coronavirus infected patients.
The government established quarantine facilities are most inadequate. In some places the detainees are disgusted by the lack of services for cleanliness. Better not to talk about food and other essential items those should be made available in time. There is a shortage of trained people too.
We want the people to put pressure on the health ministry and other related bodies to wake up to do their hardest.