WB unveils $1.2b Tunisia support programme


AFP, Tunis :
The World Bank Friday announced a $1.2 billion programme to support economic and political reform in Tunisia after the adoption last month of a new constitution.
“The financing planned for 2014 would include $750 million in support of government reforms to level the economic playing field and promote growth and job creation, while increasing accountability in the delivery of services to citizens,” the bank said.
Another $300 million will go towards building up local government capacities to support the decentralisation process envisaged in the new constitution, with $100 million being allocated to a credit facility for banks that finance small and medium-size businesses.
The level of financial support is designed to match the Tunisian government’s progress on reform during what the bank called “this last year of democratic transition.”
“The consensus built around the new constitution provides a foundation for much needed economic reforms,” said the bank’s regional vice president Inge Andersen after meeting Tunisian Prime Minister Mehdi Jomaa.
Tunisia’s economic recovery since the revolution has been hampered by political instability, social unrest and Islamist violence that culminated last year with the assassination of two secular politicians by suspected jihadists and months of institutional paralysis.
