WASA must be overhauled to stop water-logging

WATER-LOGGING is now a serious headache for Dhaka city dwellers. Dhaka streets are over flooded every time even if there is moderate rain, mainly because of inadequate drainage system managed by seven different authorities who have little coordination among themselves. The government has not yet decided which authority will implement the storm drainage master plan, approved in 2014 for tackling flooding of city streets caused by rain.

Without the existence of a single authority, virtually nothing was done to improve the drainage system of Dhaka; rather it had deteriorated day by day. Its result was exposed on Wednesday last. That day, there was hardly any thoroughfare, lane or by-lane that was not submerged following incessant, but not so heavy rains for few hours. The rainwater could not roll down into the low-lying retention areas as they were already filled after rains of the previous days.


The experts who gave their opinions to different media on Wednesday and Thursday said initiatives should be taken right now to tackle the city’s water-logging situation; otherwise the people will be compelled to leave the capital in utter dismay. They called for taking immediate steps to rescue the city’s canals first, that have been grabbed by some influential persons, mainly of the ruling party, during the last few years. Otherwise, the government’s tall-talks to recede the rainwater from the streets within three hours will remain a daydream. Even such a time may come when the city’s major thoroughfares will remain under water for months together.

Dhaka was a flood-prone area for yesteryears. But water-logging is a recent experience for the city dwellers. Dhaka was once duly served by its canals to drain out rain waters. These canals were not only the gate-way to remove rain-water from the city, country-boats with various goods used to move through these canals. But almost all the canals inside and around Dhaka city have been grabbed by some influential people. Rajuk and WASA have utterly failed to protect or reclaim the canals.
