Warrant against Tarique unlawful, says Dr Ripon

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Monday alleged that the warrant issued for the arrest of BNP senior vice-chairman Tarique Rahman by a lower court in a sedition case is unlawful.
“We’ve got surprised as a warrant for the arrest of our senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman has been issued in a case filed by Bangabandhu Foundation on October 19, 2014 over his political statement. So, he in no way can be a fugitive in the eye of law,” BNP Spokesman Asaduzzaman Ripon told a press briefing.
On Sunday, a court here issued the arrest warrant in the sedition case filed against Tarique for terming Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman ‘Pakbandhu’.
Speaking at the press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, Ripon said Tarique went to the UK for medical treatment with permission from the apex court. “He (Tarique) is still receiving treatment there as his health condition is yet to improve. That’s why he can’t face in person any allegation brought against him. Under the circumstances, BNP doesn’t think it is lawfull to continue the case proceedings showing him fugitive and issuing arrest warrant against him,” Ripon said.
Mentioning that politicians make comments in different contexts, he said political atmosphere cannot remain normal if politicians’ comments and statements are taken to the court.
“BNP thinks the filing of a case over Tarique’s a statement in London is unexpected. The reaction to the speech should have come politically,” the BNP spokesman observed.
Ripon also alleged that the government has suddenly started arresting opposition leaders and activists. “More than 2,000 of our leaders and activists were arrested over the last a few days. We condemn the wholesale arrest of the opposition men.”
Referring to a minister’s comment that they are arresting criminals to restore peace in the country, the BNP leader said branding political activists as criminals is devoid of political etiquette.