Victory Day celebrated

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stand in solemn silence at the alter of Savar Mausoleum after placing wreaths and paid homage to Martyrs marking the 45th Victory Day on Wednesday.
President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stand in solemn silence at the alter of Savar Mausoleum after placing wreaths and paid homage to Martyrs marking the 45th Victory Day on Wednesday.

The nation celebrated the 45th Victory Day yesterday with due solemnity remembering with gratitude millions of martyrs who made supreme sacrifices to liberate the country from the clutches of the Pakistan occupation forces fighting successfully a nine-month-old war in 1971.
Braving a chilly weather in the morning, thousands of people from all walks of life thronged the National Memorial at Savar to pay their glowing tributes to the worthy sons of the soil with a solace in their mind that the war criminals are put under trial and the verdict of capital punishment handed down against them is executed gradually.
The mourners raised full-throated slogans to impose a ban on the politics of Jamaat-e-Islami as a party of war criminals, to sever diplomatic relations with Pakistan for siding with the killers of 1971 and completion of the war crimes trial at the earliest.
A similar scene was experienced at the streets surrounding Bangabandhu Memorial Museum on Dhanmondi Road-32 when people from all walks of life also thronged from different city localities for their tern to pay deep homage to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman placing wreaths at his portrait there.
The day this year was observed in a new perspective as the capital punishment handed down against the self-confessed killers in the killing case of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who spearheaded successfully the nation’s long arduous independence struggle, was executed while trial of those who committed crimes against humanity in during the nation’s was of liberation in 1971 has been continuing with execution of verdict against four top war criminals.
Carrying banners, wreaths, follower petals and wearing head bands inscribed with the slogans of the Victory Day, thousands of people from all strata converged near the National Memorial since dawn.
The day was celebrated with elaborate programmes chalked out on the occasion by the party in power and other non-government bodies and institutions.
The day was heralded with a 31-gun salute at the National Parade Square at dawn. Other programmes of the day included hoisting of the national flag on top of all national and private institutions, placing of wreaths at the National Memorial at Savar, decorating the road-islands tastefully, distribution of improved diets among the inmates of hospitals, jails and orphanages, discussions, cultural soirees, rendering of the National Anthem by millions of people and illumination at night. The Recorded independence speech of Bangabandhu delivered on March 7, 1971 at the historic Suhrawardy Udyan and the immortal songs of the Liberation War were played on mikes throughout the day.
Besides, special prayers were offered at all the places of worships across the country for eternal peace of the souls of the martyrs of the Liberation War.
The wreaths giving ceremony started at 6.35 am at the National Memorial at Savar and continued throughout the day.
On behalf of the nation, President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina placed wreaths at Savar National Memorial at dawn. They stood there in solemn silence for sometime paying deep homage to the martyrs of the War of Liberation when the last post was played on the bugle.
As the president of the ruling Awami League, Sheikh Hasina along with party stalwarts also placed another wreaths at the memorial. Among others, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Chief Justice, cabinet members, leader of the opposition, state ministers, chiefs of the three services, MPs, freedom fighters, diplomats, representatives of development partners and senior government and non-government officers and services personnel were present.
As the memorial was opened to public after departure of the President and the Prime Minister, thousands of people thronged there to pay homage to the martyrs and the pouring-in of people at the memorial continued throughout the day. BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia along with party central leaders placed wreath at the national memorial at about 10.30 am.
Besides, leaders of the Awami League-led 14-party alliance, war wounded freedom fighters and families of the freedom fighters also placed wreaths at the memorial.
JSD led by its President and Information Minister Hasanul Haque Inu, Dhaka University led by its vice-chancellor Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique, Workers Party led by Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon, CPB led by its President Mujahidul Islam Selim, Dhaka Reporters Unity led by its president Jamal Uddin and general secretary Raju Ahmed and leaders of other political parties and organisations placed wreaths at the memorial marking the day.
President and the Prime Minister attended the Victory Day march past at the National Parade Square at 10 am.
The day was a public holiday. National dailies published special supplements and Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar and private sector TV channels and radio stations aired special programmes highlighting the significance of the day.
Different political parties including Awami League, BNP, Jatiya Party, JSD, CPB, Workers Party, Gono Forum, celebrated the day with separate extensive programmes.
Besides, different socio-cultural-professional bodies and institutions including Dhaka University, Bangla Academy, Shilpakala Academy, Sammilito Sangskritik Jote, Sector Commanders Forum, Liberation War Museum, Chhayanaut, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Bangladesh Tourism (Parjatan) Corporation and Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote observed day with elaborate programmes yesterday(Wednesday).
As part of the ruling Awami League’s two-day programme to mark the day, its president and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina along with party stalwarts placed wreaths at the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dhanmandi Road-32 in the morning. Leaders of the party’s associate and likeminded bodies also laid wreaths there in the morning.
Thousands of people rendered the National Anthem at 4.31 pm at the historic Suhrawardy Udyan where Bangabandhu delivered the March 7 independence speech in 1971. They participants also took oath there administered by eminent economist Prof Abul Barakat.
Besides, leaders of the National Press Club and Muktijoddha Journalists Command placed wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu at the National Press Club on the occasion.
Awami League also organised a huge Victory Day march. Thousands of people from all walks of life participated in the march that was taken out from in front of Shikha Chiratan (Eternal Flame) at the Suhrawary Udyan in the afternoon.
At 10 am wreaths were placed at Bangabandhu’s Grave at Tungipara, Gopalganj where special prayers, munajat were be offered and milad and doa mahfil held marking the Victory Day. On December 17 (Thursday), Awami League will organise a discussion at the Krishibid Institution auditorium where Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will be the chief guest.
