Vegetarian Hakka Noodles

Ingredients :
200-250gms of Hakka Noodles
2 green chillies
4 strands of chopped garlic
1 onion
1 carrot
1/4 capsicum
1/4 cabbage
2 tablespoon cauliflower florets
Few spring onions
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon vinegar
Tomato ketchup
A pinch of white pepper powder
Cooking oil (as per taste)
Start with boiling 3-4 cups of water and add the hakka noodles in it. After boiling the noodles, drain it and keep it aside.
Then heat a pan, and add green chillies along with chopped garlic. Add the vegetables and mix it well. Put salt to it.
Now you can put the pinch of white pepper powder in the vegetable mixture. Stir it for a while. Add boiled noodles and toss on a high flame. Put soy sauce, vinegar and tomato ketchup.
You can garnish the noodles with spring onion greens. Your dish is now ready to be served.