Varsity teachers can play key role for country’s dev

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said here on Friday ‘there is no possibility of holding the next national election before 2019, and it will be held under the incumbent Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’.
Brushing aside the seven- point demand of BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia, Tofail Ahmed said this in reply to a question after addressing the ‘four decades anniversary and a reunion programme’ of the Chemistry department of the University.
He also said that ‘the demand of Khaleda Zia for holding dialogue is not logical, because earlier, we invited her several times to dialogue. But she did not respond to our call’.
Addressing the reunion programme the minister said the university teachers could contribute to the welfare of the country and people through their new knowledge’.
He said ‘Bangladesh is moving towards the status of a middle income country by 2021’.
The foreign currency reserves in Bangladesh is higher than many other Asian counties and the exportation rate of Bangladeshi products is also high, he added.
Tofail also said that, ‘the infrastructural development of urban and rural areas has progressed greatly…and the country will be able to stand in the line of the developed countries by 2050’.
On the occasion the department honored five teachers and two former students for their successes in the field of chemistry.
The teachers are Professor Dr. Kalipad Kondu, Professor Dr. Kazi Ali Azam, Professor Dr. Abul Hashem, Professor Dr. Abdul Hai, Professor Dr. Rabiul Islam, former students Nur Uddin and Dr. Muhammad Ali.
Presided over by the Chairman of the Chemistry department Professor Dr. Ilias Mullah, Member of the Parliament (Dhaka-19) Dr. Enamur Rahman, Member of Bangladesh Public Service Commission and former Vice-Chancellor of the university Professor Dr. Shariff Enamul Kabir, Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Farzana Islam, Pro-VC Professor Dr. Abul Hossain and Secretary of Alumni Association of Chemistry department SM Wahiduzzaman spoke on the occasion.
Earlier, a colorful rally was brought out from the department premises and it was terminated at the same place after parading through the main streets on the campus.
Later, a cultural function was held at the same place.
