Vaccine takers in confusion over 2nd dose schedule


Reza Mahmud :
People who have taken first doses of Covid-19 vaccines are in uncertainty due to changing of date schedule for getting second doses.
Persons who have been vaccinated with first doses of the vaccines got a date for second shots one month afterward.
The health officials administered the jabs had set the date in those people’s registration papers taking one month gap.
On the other hand, the government recently announced that the second doses of the jab will be administered after two months of taking first jab.
In these circumstances, first dose vaccine takers are feeling uncertainty as they got a certain days in their registration papers but the date has now been ineffective, as per the government notice.
The government officials however said, it would be synchronized simply through mobile SMS with informing the alternative date for every individual.
When contacted, Professor Dr. Nasima Sultana, Additional Director General of the Directorate General of the Health Services (DGHS) told The New Nation on Tuesday, “It would not make any complexity. Everyone would be informed about the date of their second shots of vaccination.”
Many people yet to get the SMS of first doses of vaccination even after completing registration for long time ago, have taken the vaccines through alternative ways.
They also had got a certain date for the second dose of the vaccines which is ineffective now. In these circumstances, a vast portion of the first dose jab takers have fallen in an uncertain situation.
When asked, Professor Nasima Sultana said, the ICT Department looks after the issue and they will get a way out to resolve the crisis.
Most of the vaccine takers said that this complexity has created an uncertain atmosphere among them. They don’t know how many days it will take for informing them the date of inoculation the second doses.
“I have taken the jab at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University vaccination center on February 13. The officials there have given me March 14 for administering the second shot of the vaccine. But later the government announced that the second doses of the inoculation will be given two months after the first doses. What I have to do in this condition? I am really in uncertainty,” Kalam Ahmed, a private sector official, told The New Nation yesterday.
On the other hand, many people yet to get the SMS, with the date of first doses of the jab.
“Me and two of my relatives have registered in the same time through ‘’ for secure a vaccine. Only one of my relatives has got a SMS informing a date of taking Covid-19 vaccine. In these circumstances, we are really in uncertainty about getting the SMS with changing dates,” said Sajahan Akhanda, businessmen in old Dhaka.
