Utilising youth’s talent to excel in IT stressed


State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid on Wednesday urged the youths to utilize their latent talent to excel in information and technology sector by exploring its huge potentiality.
“We will become a developed country by holding the hands of youths together and exploring the potentiality of information and technology sector,” he said while inaugurating the two-day ‘DigiSkill Expo 2017’ at North South University here.
President of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) Mustafa Jabbar, Chief Executive of Software Solution Rasheq Rahman and President of American Alumni Association Syed Almas Kobir, among others, addressed the function.
Nasrul said the government has already been implementing Leverging Information and Communication Technology (LICT) project, Skills for Employment Investment Programme (SEIP) and Learning and Earning Development project to create employment opportunities.
