Why retire?: Use pension money in social business, says Dr Yunus


UNB, Dhaka :Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus has said people may transit from phase one of life to phase two of life after completing a certain number of years of work, but that should not be called retirement.”There’s no reason why every person should not try to continue to be active till the last day. The word ‘retirement’ has to be retired,” he said while addressing the 12th global conference of the International Federation on Ageing held in Hyderabad June 10-13.Delivering his keynote address, Prof Yunus said a retired person should look at this phase of his life as the most precious period in his or her life, which one arrives at after a long process of preparation, according to a Yunus Centre’s press release.”It should not be the time of ‘switching off’ or ‘packing up’ as the term ‘retirement’ implies, rather it is a period of giving full swing creative power to society.”He said what is now termed as the life after retirement is actually the second and best phase of human life, free from usual responsibility of raising a family and establishing oneself in life.The phase two of life is the life of freedom and the opportunity to be whatever one wants to be without any restriction, the Nobel Laureate said they are not ‘retired people’, they are ‘citizens without boundaries’.
