US, UK, Egypt envoys visit Khaleda’s office


Diplomats from the United States, the United Kingdom and Egypt on Sunday visited BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office to console her following her younger son’s death in Malaysia. The diplomats are British High Commissioner in Dhaka Robert W Gibson, Chargé d’ affaires at the US Embassy David Meale and Egyptian Ambassador in Dhaka Mahmoud Ezzat. BNP standing committee member Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan, vice chairman Selima Rahman and Khaleda’s press secretary Maruf Kamal Khan received the diplomats at the office. The envoys signed on the condolence book kept at the office though they could not meet Khaleda, BNP sources said. Khaleda Zia’s younger brother Shameem Iskandar is communicating with the Bangladesh Mission in Kuala Lumpur to bring back home Koko’s body. –UNB, Dhaka.
