US to work together to eliminate illegal ocean fishing: Bernicat

Economic Reporter :
The United States wants to work together with Bangladesh through enhanced international cooperation, information-sharing, and coordinated action to ensure that illegal fishing is eliminated.”I look forward to continued close cooperation between Bangladesh and the United States to ensure our planet flourishes both environmentally and economically,” US Ambassador Marcia Bernicat said while addressing a seminar in the city on Saturday.
Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) arranged the seminar titled “New Investment Horizon: Blue Economy”.
Ocean conservation is a very high priority to the United States, said the Ambassador adding that the space for legal, economically and environmentally sustainable fishing activities needs to be created.
US Secretary of State John Kerry will be hosting the third annual “Our Ocean” conference to bring together the world’s experts on marine conservation and figure out how all are, together, going to overcome these challenges.
Bernicat said the United States at the conference will propose several new programmes to preserve ocean.
“I hope Bangladesh will join us in these efforts. I want to particularly spotlight the Safe Ocean Network – which is a global initiative to strengthen all aspects of the fight against illegal fishing, including detection, enforcement, and prosecution of those engage in illegal fishing,” she said.