US to help BD in preventing Rana Plaza-like tragedy


The United States has reaffirmed its commitment to work together with Bangladesh to prevent any Rana Plaza-like tragedy in the future ensuring a more vibrant readymade garment sector.
“We recommit ourselves to the future, to working together with Bangladesh, its workers, employers, and government to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, to building a better and more vibrant readymade garment sector, and to demonstrating success goes hand-in-hand with workers’ rights and safety,” said US Ambassador Marcia Bernicat on Sunday.
In a statement issued marking the third anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse, she said they take a moment today to look back and remember those who lost their lives, their families, and those survivors who have suffered.
Three years ago, the Rana Plaza building collapsed, crushing workers underneath and drawing the world’s attention to the readymade garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh.
In one day, Bangladesh lost more than 1,100 lives, and many who survived that day continue to struggle. Some lost beloved ones, while others were injured for life.
“We grieve with them on this anniversary,” Bernicat said adding, “Rana Plaza’s tragic collapse bequeathed to all of us a responsibility, a shared responsibility as government officials, workers, factory owners, and consumers to create safe working conditions and to ensure workers have a voice.”
Over the last three years, more than 3,600 factories have been inspected for safety, and 39 dangerous factories have been closed.
The Ministry of Labour and Employment has hired and trained over 200 inspectors, and launched a toll-free help line (0800-4455000).
Thousands of factories have taken steps to improve workplace safety, and 31 factories have been fully remediated. “These are all tremendous accomplishments that may have saved lives,” said the US Ambassador.
“We also believe it is critically important for workers to have a strong and powerful voice, to be able say we will not work in that building with a cracked wall, and to be heard and respected,” Bernicat added.
Mentioning that the government of Bangladesh has also registered hundreds of new unions, Bernicat urged that workers democratically select representatives to create safety and health committees to ensure their safety continues.
