US senators urge Trump admin to act on Rohingyas

Staff Reporter :
A group of the US senators urged the Trump administration on Thursday to use the “full weight” of its influence to help resolve the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh.
They said it in a letter to the President Donald Trump, report agencies.
The letter signed by four Republican and 17 Democratic members of the 100-seat Senate also called on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and US Agency for International Development Administrator Mark Green to provide more humanitarian aid.
 “Despite international condemnation, the Myanmar authorities incredibly continue to deny the atrocities,” said the letter. It also notes that current U.S. law, including the Global
Magnitsky Act, allows Trump to impose sanctions on people responsible for gross violations of human rights.
The Myanmar authorities came under intensifying pressure on Thursday over the Rohingya refugee crisis, with the United Nations secretary general calling it a “human rights nightmare” that has driven more than a half a million civilians into Bangladesh in the past month.
The remarks by the secretary general, António Guterres, came at a United Nations Security Council meeting devoted to the crisis, which has escalated into what he described as “the world’s fastest developing refugee emergency.”
The American ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki R. Haley, demanded that Myanmar’s authorities should punish those in the military who have killed and abused members of the Rohingya.
Haley also called for a halt to the shipment of foreign arms to Myanmar’s security forces.