US presidential hopeful Sanders gets clean bill of health after heart attack


Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has fully recovered from the heart attack he suffered three months ago and is in good health, his doctors said in letters released on Monday.
Martin LeWinter, a cardiologist at the University of Vermont, said the 78-year-old senator from Vermont has made an “uneventful recovery” from the heart attack he suffered in Las Vegas on October 1.
“At this point, I see no reason he cannot continue campaigning without limitation and, should he be elected, I am confident he has the mental and physical stamina to fully undertake the rigors of the pUS presidential residency,” LeWinter said.
Two other specialists at the University of Vermont said Sanders had undergone a cardiopulmonary treadmill test earlier this month.
“Compared to otherwise healthy men with no known heart disease, his exercise capacity is average for a man his age,” they said.
“Mr Sanders is more than fit enough to pursue vigorous activities and an occupation that requires stamina and an ability to handle a great deal of stress,” said Philip Ades, director of cardiac rehabilitation at the University of Vermont Medical Center.
Brian Monahan, physician for the US Congress, said Sanders was in “good health currently” and noted that he has been “engaging vigorously in the rigors of (his) campaign, travel, and other scheduled activities without any limitation.”
Sanders is the oldest candidate in the 2020 presidential race and his campaign received some criticism for waiting several days before publicly revealing he had suffered a heart attack.
Former vice president Joe Biden, the current front-runner for the Democratic nomination, is 77 years old.
Republican President Donald Trump, who is running for re-election, turned 73 in June.
