US position on dialogue not changed: Harf


The United States’ position on Bangladesh has not changed as it still encourages dialogue between the ruling Awami League and BNP which boycotted the January-5 elections.”Absolutely, our position hasn’t changed,” said Marie Harf, Deputy Spokesperson of the US Department of State at a regular press briefing in Washington on Monday when a questioner asked whether the US is still sticking for a dialogue.Referring to US Assistant Secretary Nisha Desai Biswal, she said the Assistant Secretary talked about the fact that Bangladesh continues to be an important partner to the United States that the US is encouraging dialogue between the parties.Marie Harf also mentioned that the US has consistently said dialogue is the path forward here, and nothing about that has changed.Responding to another question on fresh election, she said, “I don’t have anything. I think more to say on what we think should come of the dialogue. Obviously it’s up to all the parties to decide together.”
