US keen to enhance security cooperation with Bangladesh


Diplomatic Correspondent :
Bangladesh has told the representatives of the US government that the sanctions in the Rapid Action Battalion are ‘unjustified’ and called upon them to lift the sanctions.
In addition, Bangladesh has also sought support of the US lawmakers in lifting the US sanctions on RAB and hoped that it would be done soon.
Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen sought the support during a meeting with Senator Jon Ossoff (Democrat-Georgia); and Congressman Ami Bera (Democrat-California), the Chairman of the House, Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia and Nonproliferation.
On the other hand, Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen in a separate meeting on security dialogue on Wednesday told US Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ambassador Bonnie Denise Jenkins to reconsider the sanctions on RAB and its individuals.
Highlighting RAB’s pivotal role to combat terrorism, Masud elaborated on how the sanctions on RAB are unjustified as the personnel do not enjoy any impunity. However, both sides agreed to continue discussion regarding the sanctions on RAB.
Earlier on Monday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen that the lifting of sanctions on the elite force might take time.
Blinken also said the resumption of the US training programme for Bangladeshi law enforcers will also take time to begin.
Now during Wednesday’s meeting with Bonnie Denise Jenkins Bangladesh got the reply that discussions will continue in this regard.
However, Jetkins told Masud that the US is keen to enhance security cooperation with Bangladesh.
Lauding Bangladesh, the US delegation said that, after 50 years of independence, Bangladesh has emerged as a responsible country and is taking part in resolving global crises and problems.
Two sides agreed to continue robust cooperation in counterterrorism and transnational crimes. The day-long meeting covered areas like UN Peacekeeping, Bangladesh US Security Cooperation including cooperation in military training, maritime security, proposed defence agreements, defence purchase and capacity development etc, regional issues like Rohingya, Indo-Pacific and counterterrorism and civilian security cooperation.
Two sides had constructive discussions on defence agreements like General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) and Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA).
They also expressed willingness to assist Bangladesh in the modernisation and institutional development of its armed forces. The US side praised Bangladesh’s successes and leadership in UN Peacekeeping Operations.
