US Foreign Policy

Unwavering Relation With Israel


Mohammad Amjad Hossain :
There seems to be no doubt that the United States of America has been in cooperation with the State of Israel since the declaration of the state by the General Assembly of the United Nation in the resolution of May 14 of 1948 following the end of the mandate of the United Kingdom to rule Palestine. The United States of America in fact was the first country on earth to recognize the state of Israel in 1948 followed by the USSR after three days.
Since the war against Israel by three Arab countries in 1967 the main thrust of the policy of the United States of America was in favor of the state of Israel since the result of six-day war was in favor of the State of Israel. As stated by Professor John J Mearsheimer of a Distinguished service Political scientist and International Relation of University of Chicago and Professor Stephen M. Walt of Professor of Political science of Harvard Kennedy School held the opinion that since the six-day war in 1967 the centerpiece of the policy in the US Middle East policy has been “unwavering relation with Israel”. Professor Emeritus at MIT Noam Chomsky also held the opinion that US foreign policy has been directed in favor of the State of Israel. Professor Noam Chomsky is holding the opinion that without US aid Israel would not be willing to kill Palestinian enmasse. Professor Noam Chomsky is a leading voice in the struggle to liberate Palestinian from the clutches of Israel.
As of now the administration of US President George Herbert Walker Bush was confronted by the Jewish lobby in the USA when the President took a stand refusing to grant allocated money to Israel if Israel ceased its illegal settlement building in the occupied West Bank. That stand by President George Walker Bush paid a price when he was defeated in the election for a second term in 1992 against Bill Clinton of the Democratic Party.
President Joseph R Biden, present President of the United States of the America, has defended Israel, saying “my expected hope was that this would be closing down sooner than later”. The President is reported to have said that Israel has a right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory while some Democrat lawmakers disagreed with the President. Representative law maker Mark Pocan, who accused the US funding the violence, tweeted, we cannot just condemn rockets fired by Hamas and ignored Israel’s state sanctioned police violence against Palestinians, including unlawful eviction, violent attack on protesters and murder of Palestine children while Secretary of State Anthony Blinken who had been in the Middle East recently, including Israel is reported to have said that Israel has the right to defend itself but committed to rebuild Gaza following destruction by Israel. This is the first-time the US has committed to rebuilding the Gaza Strip following an attack by Israel.
As a matter of fact, Jewish in the United States have increasingly dominated the policy of the United States of America. Apart from America Israel Public affairs committee, American Jewish committee and America Jewish congress are very powerful organizations which in fact dictate to frame foreign policy. Apart from these Jewish committees this year 37 Jewis have been elected to the House of Representatives and Senate while Charles Schumer, a Democrat becomes majority leader in the Senate. Therefore, the complex of the House of Representatives and Senate has been changed which might favor the State of Israel.
During his four years US President Donald Trump turned the wheel in favor of the State of Israel in recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and shifted the US Embassy to Jerusalem in violation of International Law. The abiding position of the United Nations on Jerusalem was that the city remained a final status issue to be determined through a comprehensive, just issue and lasting solution to be negotiated between the two sides concerned on the basis of relevant UN resolution and other agreements. This was reported by the Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace Process at a review meeting of the Security Council of the United Nations on 8 December in 2017. The status of Jerusalem is one of the most sensitive and contentious issue in the Palestinian and Israeli conflict.
It is high time that secretary of state of the United States of America review of the entire relation between Israel and Palestinian to resolve the solution of two states. Enough water has been flown in the eastern coast of the Mediterrerrean Sea by now. There is hardly any reason to delay further to resolve Two State Solution for the interest of Palestinian and Jews. since First Prime Minister of Israel who was founder of Israel David Ben-Gurion in the proclaim of 14th May in 1948 declared that we extend our hand to all neighboring states and their peoples in an offer peace and good neighborliness and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help. There is hardly any emphasis to remind the importance to establish two states in the Palestine territories on the basis of Oslo accord if Arab countries jontly put pressure on Israel.
(Mohammad Amjad Hossain, retired Diplomat from Bangladesh and former President of Nova Toastmaster International club of America writes from Falls Church, Virginia)
