US Election Democracy Should Regain Against Racism


The next Presidential election of the United States of America will be held in November and Donald Trump is contesting his second time with opponent Joe Biden of Democratic Party. Trump is currently the 45th president of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman cum television celebrity. But he proved himself globally that he is a raw handed stubborn businessman cum politician who has elected through a controversial election and it is to be believed that he has a little know-how either US foreign policy or the rest of the world. What he has decided from the very beginning of his power resumption, all his decisions are sparked as widespread criticism globally. Most of his decisions are seriously USA favoured but anti-global and against world peace.
Trump’s political positions have been described as populist, protectionist, and nationalist. Despite being disfavored in most forecasts, he was elected in a surprise victory over Hillary Clinton, although he lost the popular vote. He became the oldest first-term US president and has neither prior military nor government service experience at all. His policies have sparked numerous protests not only in USA, but also globally. Trump is such a president who can’t believe anyone as a friend locally or globally for a long time and make him foe within a short time, changed his own decision in the day night!
After electing the President, he has taken so many non-stop controversial decisions one after another and his one of the most controversial decision to shift the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Most of his decision is not only confused the Yankees but also the peoples across the world. In a true sense, President Trump has divided the US citizens insisting on racism that abolished long time ago in USA.
Trump has made many false or misleading statements during his campaign for presidency. The statements have been documented by fact-checkers, and the media have widely described the phenomenon as unprecedented in American politics. Many of his comments and actions have also been characterized as racially charged or racist. Jared Kushner who married to Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, has been selected as senior adviser to the President. He worked alongside the chief of staff, John Kelly, and worked with Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, before his dismissal from White House. When Donald Trump announced his son-in-law Jared Kushner as his senior adviser, the move sparked criticism and the decision was reviewed over “conflict of interest” concerns and considered as nepotism in White House history.
A 2019 House impeachment inquiry found that Trump solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election from Ukraine to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself. The inquiry reported that he withheld military aid and a White House invitation in order to influence Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into his political rivals. He was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. He is the third impeached president in US history but finally escaped from the impeachment.
Trump has a history of speech and actions that have widely been viewed as racist or racially charged. Journalists, friends, and former employees have accused him of fueling racism in the United States. However, he has repeatedly denied accusations of racism and stated to reporters that he was “the least racist person anywhere in the world.” Several studies and surveys have stated that racist attitudes and racial resentment have fueled Trump’s political ascendance, and have become more significant than economic factors in determining the party allegiance of US voters. The recent brutal killing of George Floyd has ignited massive protests against racism across the United States and the Donald Trump’s comment in this context also sparked out many protesters and human rights activists around the world. During his presidency, Trump ordered a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-majority countries, citing security concerns; after legal challenges, the Supreme Court upheld the policy’s third revision.
Trump’s controversial role list is so long, i.e. he has also made cancellation of most popular Obama Healthcare service in USA, plan to make a wall between USA and Mexico border, withdraw from climate change fund of Paris Protocol, uniquely withdrawal of USA from six nations nuclear agreement with Iran, trade conflict with Canada, China and European Union, withdrawal of US membership from UNESCO and UN Human Rights Council and lastly decision of US immigrants children separate from their guardian. After each his controversial decision, he has made a Twitter message which seems to be raw handed and controversial remarks. Sometimes it is hard to believe that the tweeted message is passed by a US president or others!
In foreign policy, Trump has pursued an American agenda first ignoring the global concern and any benefit or peace. The decision of withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the six nations nuclear deal with Iran, eventually increased global tensions with the USA. He recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel with a widespread global criticism, imposed import tariffs triggering a trade war with China, and started negotiations with North Korea toward their denuclearization.
The recent Israel-United Arab Emirates peace agreement was agreed to by Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on August 13, 2020. This agreement has been negotiated by Donald Trump and apparently divided the Muslim world into two parts. This issue has made more volatile in the middle east and the Palestine state. The Middle East region is passing a very furious time since US-Iran tension has reached to the pick. Following the terror act of the US which killed General Qassem Soleimani— the second most powerful figure in Iran after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei— in Baghdad, Iran has promised vengeance. The attack, authorised by headstrong President Donald Trump, was a dramatic escalation in a “shadow war” in the Middle East between Iran and the United States and its allies, principally Israel and Saudi Arabia. Apparently, US is mainly responsible for the current unrest in the Middle East and possibility cannot be avoided for any tough war between US and Iran in recent future.
Global pandemic COVID-19 hurts the US as hotspot due to awkward handling and the highest number of infection and casualty have occurred in America. The US leadership role led by Donald Trump has made criticism globally and raised some serious miry question around the world. He considered the pandemic initially as merely media propaganda which now suffers the US severely. Later he changed his voice but played a dubious leadership role!
Trump has dragged America’s global reputation to an all-time low. Global peoples are observing US politics with a mixture of fascination and horror – and it is all down to Donald Trump. The depth and evident bitterness of America’s public divisions are unsettling for friends and allies who can’t count on dependable US leadership. If Joe Biden elected in the next November, the world will face a hope of new peace but if Donald Trump elected, the world will have to disdain again.

(Zillur Rahaman is a banker and freelance Contributor. Email: [email protected])
