US economy ready to surge with big stimulus, fast vaccines


Agency :
With Democrats on the verge of passing an almost $2 trillion stimulus bill and Covid-19 vaccinations moving ahead, the US economic outlook is much sunnier than it looked in early January.
The latest Bloomberg monthly survey of economists shows the annualized pace of growth in the first quarter will be 4.8%, twice as fast as respondents expected just two months ago. For the full year, gross domestic product is projected to rise 5.5%, which would be the fastest since 1984 and is up from January’s estimate of 4.1%.
After January’s key run-off elections in Georgia, where Democrats secured two Senate seats to win slim control of the chamber from Republicans, economists were generally penciling in a pandemic relief package worth around $1 trillion. Democrats stuck together to push through a bill almost double that size; no Republican senators voted for the plan on Saturday. The measure next goes back to the House for a final vote, expected to be Tuesday.
President Joe Biden, speaking Saturday after the Senate vote, looked for a major boost to the economy.
“This will create millions of new jobs,” Biden told reporters at the White House. “It’s estimated over 6 million new jobs by itself; increase the gross domestic product by a trillion dollars.”
“As tough as this moment is, there are brighter days ahead — there really are,” Biden said. “It’s never been a good bet to bet against America.”
An additional round of $1,400 stimulus checks for millions of Americans, combined with supplemental jobless benefits and the acceleration in vaccinations, should help sustain growth throughout the year, said Stephen Stanley, chief economist at Amherst Pierpont Securities LLC.
Government stimulus will “give a shot of adrenaline for a short period of time,” Stanley said. He noted that “it will kind of fade out, and the more fundamental aspect of things, which is really just opening up and getting back to something closer to the pre-pandemic norm for activity, should kick in.”
The Bloomberg survey of 67 economists was conducted Feb. 26 to March 3.
While economic growth is primed for a strong 2021, it could also mean another partisan divide over the next item on Biden’s legislative agenda: a multitrillion-dollar plan focusing on infrastructure.
