Unity of real Islamic parties to fight militancy underscored


Publicity and Publication Secretary of the ruling Awami League Dr. Hasan Mahmud on Saturday stressed the need for building unity among the real Islamic political parties to effectively fight militancy.
“No Muslim can carry out terror attacks on Masjid-e-Nabwi and Eid jamaat.
The terrorists are blaming the Islam and pushing the Muslin community in danger with the militant attacks,” he said at a discussion on militancy at the round table conference room of Dhaka Reports’ Unity (DRU) in the city.
In these circumstances, the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), an international organization of the Muslim countries, should hold an emergency meeting to find a way out to fight militancy, he opined.
Hasan said, “Islamic state will not be established in the country as the government leaves power. But a section of people, who are creating militants and patronizing them, will be benefited with the change of the government.”
Terming Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir as the main planner of the militancy, he said, “BNP is providing trainers and money for the militants.”
He requested the BNP leaders, who do not support militancy, to sever ties with Jamaat and the supporters of militancy in the party, saying “If they fail to do so the BNP will definitely be charged of patronizing the militants.”
Islami Front of Bangladesh organized the discussion with its Chairman Syed Bahadur Shah Mozaddedi in the chair. Oganisation’s secretary general Principal Joynul Abedin Jubair, organizing secretary of Bangladesh Tarikat Federation, Muhammad Ali Faruki, Dhaka University teacher Prof Dr Ataur Rahman Miazi and president of Islami Chhatrasena Muhammad Munir Hossain, also took part in the discussion.
