Unholy practice!


Reza Mahmud :
DSCC’s drives against unfit vehicles and the drivers having no license are likely to go in vain as a section of unscrupulous officials allegedly leak schedule of drives to the vehicle owners and their operators.
The Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC), Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) and Dhaka District Administration, started mobile court against the unfit vehicles and the drivers those who have no driving license from last month but achievement from the drives is very nominal due to the unholy practice of the Corporation officials.
 “In view of this, we are not sure about the success of the DSCC drive against the unlicensed drivers and unfit vehicles. The drivers are alerted by their owners, who maintain a link with a section of dishonest officials,” said a City Corporation official on condition of anonymity.
According to officials sources, DSCC has started the drive from March 5 against vehicles older than 20 years and the unlicensed drivers to restore traffic discipline.
DSCC Mayor Mohammad Sayeed Khokon earlier said that the drivers must be at least Class VIII pass and have proper driving license. He also said no motor vehicle older than 20 years would be allowed on the city roads and streets.
Sources said, when the mobile courts start for action, the transport owner association get information from some dishonest officials. The association leaders then alert their drivers who desert the city roads to escape punishment.
As a result, female passengers in particular face huge sufferings for want of transports. On last Thursday such a scenario was seen in the city’s Jurain area said a city resident.
 He said, “It is because of small number of vehicles on road. When the mobile court will not be here, the vehicles will return.”
When contacted, DSCC Mayor Mohammad Sayeed Khokon told The New Nation, “We achieved significant success against law breakers. Now you find most of the city roads free from untold tailback. We are hopeful that the unlicensed drivers and unfit vehicles will not be seen gradually.”
When asked about the escaping of illegal drivers and unfit vehicles, Sayeed Khokon said, “Finally they would not able to escape the hands of law. They may escape one or two days, but not always.”
He said, three teams of DSCC, (BRTA) and Dhaka District Administration, conducted drives so far. But now the number will be doubled according to the latest decision as he drive will continue till April 15. As per previous decision, it was supposed to end on March 31.
The DSCC sources said, so far 75 different types of vehicles have been dumped, 75 drivers have been jailed of different terms and around one thousand cases filed.
