UN renews call for dialogue


UNB, Dhaka :The United Nations has reiterated its call for political dialogue and de-escalation of tensions in Bangladesh forreaching a solution to current political crisis.”I don’t have an update beyond reiterating what we’ve said here for political dialogue and for de-escalating the tensions in Bangladesh,” said Stéphane Dujarric, the spokesman for the UN Secretary-General.He made the remarks when a journalist drew his attention to the ‘arrest’ of BNP joint secretary general Salahuddin Ahmed. The questioner also wanted to know whether there have been any further efforts to get any official from the UN to Bangladesh.In response, the spokesman said he does not have any update but he will try to get some more for the questioner. Family members of Salahuddin and BNP claimed that law enforcers picked the BNP leader up from a house at Uttara in the city.
