UN initiative to improve environ, livelihoods in Cox’s Bazar

UNB, Dhaka :
Three United Nations (UN) agencies along with the government of Bangladesh on Sunday launched the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy Plus Livelihoods (SAFE Plus) project to mitigate deforestation and improve livelihood opportunities in Cox’s Bazar.
SAFE Plus is a joint project among the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the World Food Programme (WFP) to address environmental degradation through avenues such as distribution of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) and stoves, reforestation, and improved access to food production through livelihoods programming.
The LPG stove and gas distributions lessen the need for people to collect firewood, causing further damage to the environment, said the UN agencies mentioning that the reforestation activities rehabilitate unique forest reserves and protect natural resources.
The livelihoods and self-reliance programming bolsters food production and business opportunities for the host community through which they can benefit economically.
The three-year project was designed in partnership with government agencies to increase collaboration between several sectors.
“My ministry is delighted to be working with the UN to address the environmental issues in Cox’s Bazar, and we urge development partners to further support this,” said

Senior Secretary at Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief Md Shah Kamal.
At the agreement signing ceremony, the Additional Secretary and UN Wing Chief at the Economic Relations Division (ERD) Sultana Afroz reconfirmed the support of the government for the SAFEPlus project as it addresses the priorities of the government in Cox’s Bazar.
Additional Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) Md. Mizanur Rahman stressed, “SAFEPlus programme should continue as long as Rohingyas are residing in Cox’s Bazar.”
