Rohingya crisis: UN expert for continued pressure on Myanmar


UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar Yanghee Lee on Wednesday implored the international community to maintain pressure on Myanmar amid a deterioration of human rights in the country.
Lee said Rohingyas in Cox’s Bazar are being subjected to a human rights crisis, responsibility for which lies with Myanmar.
“It is entirely Myanmar’s responsibility to bring about all necessary conditions for all the people they forcibly drove out to return and they are entirely failing to do so,” she was quoted as saying in a statement received from Geneva.
The Special Rapporteur said, “So long as impunity for alleged atrocity crimes prevails, we will continue to bear witness to flagrant violations of rights perpetrated against ethnic minority populations in the name of counterinsurgency, entrenching grievances and prolonging insecurity and instability.”
She repeated her call that the situation of Myanmar be referred to the International Criminal Court, and that alternatively the international community establish an independent tribunal in which perpetrators of international crimes may be tried.
“It is incumbent on the Security Council to find a way to put differences aside and unite in relation to Myanmar by coming out with a strong resolution,” said Lee. “The situation is not improving, and serious violations continue to take place on a regular basis.”
The UN human rights expert cited concerns about possible war crimes in Rakhine State, the treatment of minorities, the environment and freedom of expression.
She addressed the Human Rights Council in Geneva and welcomed the Myanmar government’s reforms to the accounting requirements of extractive industry, state-owned economic enterprises.
