UN chief showers praise on Hasina, says Bangladesh a ‘development miracle’



Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres on Thursday highly praised Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for the development in Bangladesh, calling it a ‘miracle’.

 “The UN Secretary-General commended Bangladesh for its development in different sectors and humanity…. he thanked the Prime Minister for achieving a development of miracle,” said Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen.


 The Foreign Minister was briefing reporters after a bilateral meeting held between Sheikh Hasina and António Guterres at the UN Secretariat Building in New York.

 As the Bangladesh Prime Minister arrived at the meeting venue, the UN Secretary-General said, “Welcome to your home.”

 He said both the UN and Bangladesh shared common priorities in different areas, including climate, financing and SDGs. “We share common priorities. Whether it’s climate, financing and SDGs. Those priorities in the UN are also the priorities of Bangladesh,” Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations Rabab Fatima, who was at the briefing, quoted António Guterres as saying.
