Holy Ramzan: Ummah aims bonding mankind

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Brotherhood in the Muslim Ummah is an ordained responsibility. To help one another in times of need and to stand united is a responsibility of Muslims as brethren in faith.
Discussion on this principle and its realisation may be presented in the context of Ramzan, which imparts comprehensive training for our inner advancement.
The Holy Quran says : “If two parties among/The Believers fall into/A quarrel, make ye peace/Between them ; but if /One of them transgresses/Beyond bounds against the other,/Then fight ye (all) against/The one that transgresses/Until it complies with/The command of God ;/But if it complies, then/Make peace between them/With justice, and be fair :/For God loves those/Who are fair (and just). (Sura Hujurat 49:9)
The Holy Quran defines the relation : “The believers are but/ A single Brotherhood : /So make peace and/ Reconciliation between your/ Two (contending) brothers;/ And fear God, that ye/ May receive Mercy.” (Sura Hujurat 49:10)
Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) said, “None of you can be a believer unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” (Bukhari Sharif )
“Each of you is a mirror of his brother ; if you see something wrong in your brother, you must tell him to get rid of it.” (Tirmizi Sharif)
“Believers are like the parts of a building to one another-each part supporting the others”.
The Ummah is now a victim of evil designs and aggressions by the age-old anti-Muslim forces. The tragedy is that, some sections of the Muslims are unfortunately engaged in acts of self-destruction and sectarian annihilation. Killing of musallies in the mosques are the worst examples of such heinous activities. These help the aggressive forces to become successful in their agenda. So, the leaders and all conscious Islam-loving people should come forward to cry a halt of the musalli-killing and such like activities, which are creating division and serious conflict among the Muslims, making them vulnerable to any aggression.
Al-Quran and Sunnah ordains the responsibility on the Muslims to ensure solidarity of the Ummah and protection of the worst-suffering community from outward aggression and oppression. The Holy Quran commands : “And why should ye not/Fight in the cause of God/And of those who, being weak,/Are ill-treated (and oppressed)? -Men, women and children,/Whose cry is : Our Lord!/Rescue us from this town, /Whose people are oppressors, /And raise for us from Thee/One who will protect ; /And raise for us from Thee/One who will help!” (Sura Nisa 4:75) 2.
At the same time, the message of humanistic call does not confine itself within the Muslim community only, – it is universal, for the mankind in general and for all creatures.
 “We sent thee not , but/ As a Mercy for all creatures.” (Sura Ambiya 21:107)
Allama Yusuf Ali comments : “There is no question now of race or nation…..To all men and creatures other than men who have any spiritual responsibility, the principles universally apply.”
Rasulullah (Sm) said, “Allah is not kind to him, who is not kind to people”. (Bukhari Sharif, Muslim Sharif)
 “Allah bestows His kindness and affection on them, who are kind and considerate to Allah’s creatures. Show kindness to the creatures on the earth so that Allah may be kind to you.” (Abu Daud Sharif, Tirmizi Sharif)
The Holy Quran and Sunnah has ordained responsibility on the Muslims to be ‘kind to the creatures on the earth’. But, this is not a matter of one community only. The pre-condition of a peaceful world is that universal humanistic outlook prevails and the followers of different religions come forward to uphold the bond of fraternity and solidarity. It is true that the Muslims are pledge-bound as Islam preaches brotherhood of mankind. But the approach remains incomplete if their counterparts do not follow the same principle. The followers of other religions should also be active in materialising the solidarity of human race and the long cherished peaceful world.
There should not be any mis-conception regarding the integrity and solidarity of the Muslims and at the same time the fraternity of humanity.