UGC ministerial team attends workshop in Germany


A-three member UGC ministerial delegation headed by Abdullah Al Naser Chowdhury, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Education attended a two-day long planning workshop on “German-Bangladesh Higher Education Network for Sustainable Textiles” held on 05-06 July last at Gustav-Stresemann Institute, Langer Grabenweg 68, 53175 Bonn, Germany.
The workshop was organized by GIZ (German Development Cooperation) in cooperation with DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). From UGC, Dr. Md. Khaled, Secretary, attended the workshop. Other member was Rafiq Ahmed Siddiqui, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Planning. At the German end, Mr. Lars Gerold, Head of Development Cooperation of DAAD, his colleagues and Mr. Christian von, Mitzlaff, GIZ, Dhaka office attended the workshop.
In the workshop, it was agreed that proposals from the selected ten universities of Bangladesh will be invited on 18 July 2017 to attend a match-making workshop with selected number of universities in Germany. The workshop will be held in Berlin, Germany at the 3rd week of September 2017. In the workshop, two Bangladeshi universities will be selected for working in cooperation with two German universities for working on German-Bangladesh Higher Education Network for Sustainable Development of Textiles in Bangladesh.
