Uber loses employment rights case in Britain

AFP, London :
US ride-hailing company Uber on Friday lost its appeal against a landmark court ruling in Britain that would give drivers the right to paid holidays and the national minimum wage. The London employment tribunal upheld an October 2016 judgment in a case that is being closely watched for the wider implications for Britain’s booming “gig economy”.
“Today what the judge has done is just confirm that Uber is not just exploiting us but denying us our rights,” said one of the claimants, former driver Yaseen Aslam.
His lawyer Paul Jennings said he was “delighted”, adding: “Our clients have fought tirelessly to gain the rights that they clearly should have been afforded from the outset.”
He added: “The ruling will have significant implications for approximately 40,000 Uber drivers and, more broadly, individuals engaged across the so-called gig economy.”
Uber said it would once again appeal the ruling, with the case now likely to go to the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court, the highest court in the country.
“The main reason why drivers use Uber is because they value the freedom to choose if, when and where they drive and so we intend to appeal,” said Tom Elvidge, Uber UK’s acting general manager.
Drivers are paid for each ride and Uber insists they are self-employed. However, the ruling last year said they should have official worker status, which brings with it certain benefits.
“Over the last year we have made a number of changes to our app to give drivers even more control. We’ve also invested in things like access to illness and injury cover,” Elvidge added.
