Two women drown in Bhola

UNB, Bhola :
Two women drowned in a canal at Purbo Charkazi village in Sadar upazila on Tuesday noon.
The deceased were identified as Monwara Begum, 50, wife of Shahedul Islam and Sharmin Akhter, 19, wife of day-labourer Sharif of the village.
Locals said Monwara was cleaning household goods sitting on the canal bank around 1:30pm and suddenly drowned in the canal.
Hearing her screaming, neighbour Sharmin jumped into the water to save her, but she also drowned.
Later neighbors spotted their floating bodies on the canal and informed police.
On information, police recovered the bodies and sent those to sadar hospital for autopsies, said Md Sagir Mia, officer-in-charge of Sadar Model Police Station.
A case of unnatural deaths was filed with the police station in this connection, the OC added.
