Two maunds of hilsha seized in Chandpur

Chandpur Correspondent :
Drives against Jatka fish from morning till late afternoon on Tuesday were launched on Tuesday whole day.
Fisheries officer Mizanur Rahman and Sadar Model Thana Police led by Serajul Mostafa conducted several drives against Jatka in different places in Chandpur Sadar and recovered from hidden places two maunds of big sized Hilsha fish at Chandpur Fish Ghat in the afternoon on Tuesday. But no owner of the seized Hilsha fish was found at that time.
Ahead of Pohela Boishakh, some dishonest fish traders hid these Hilsha fish to make money at Chandpur Fish Ghat adjacent to Railway Boro Station.
Acting on a tip off, the drive was launched at this ghat in the afternoon-said District Fisheries officer Md Asadul Baki. Later these seized hilsha fish was preserved in a cold storage. A case was filed in this regard -added the District Fisheries officer.
Flouting the Government ban on netting Jatka, a section of dishonest fishermen are still seen to fish Jatka Hilsha fish in the Meghna river in Matlab North and Haimchar Upazila areas just after the sun- set and at dead of night.