Trust for community clinics formed


For the smooth running of 13,861 community clinics across the country, the government has formed a 15-member trustee board headed by former health advisor Prof Dr Syed Mudasseer Ali, official sources said on Monday.
According to a notification of the Health and Family Welfare Ministry, the trustee board will oversee the overall activities of the remote clinics for ensuring healthcare facilities to the rural common people. Other members of the committee are-two secretaries of the health and family welfare ministry, secretary to the Planning and Finance Ministry, President of the Federation of the Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI), Director Generals (DG) of Health Directorate and Family Planning, President of the Association of Pharmaceuticals Industries, Bangladesh, Managing Director (MD) of government owned Essential Drugs and three eminent citizens including a woman.
Besides, an Additional Secretary of the Health Ministry will act as the Member Secretary of the trustee board.
The government earlier passed the Community Clinic Trust Act-2018 as law in the parliament.
A total of 13,861 community clinics are providing healthcare services to the rural people across the country. The government has also plan to set up more 1,900 community clinics in remotest areas of the country to bring all the rural people under health coverage.
