‘Trump’s economic policies to negatively impact Brazil’

Xinhua, Rio De Janeiro :
US President Donald Trump-proposed economic policies will have a negative impact on Brazil’s sluggish growth, local economic analysts told Xinhua recently.
Trump has called for protectionist measures to bolster the U.S. industry and an infrastructure-building binge that stands to consume considerable investment, among other things.
Giorgio Romano Schutte, coordinator of international relations studies at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) in Sao Paulo state, warns that one of the consequences of Trump’s infrastructure plan will be “to increase the U.S. public deficit.”
Schutte said recent history suggests “Republican governments” have been the ones who have “contributed most” to ballooning public debt.
The plan to invest heavily in public facility projects, however, has been met with approval from the private sector, which helps to explain “the recent rise in the stock market” in the United States, said Schutte.
Independent political and economic consultant Jose Delella said trade protectionism and tax deregulation, both pillars of Trump’s economic policy, will intensify the “inflationary tendency” in the United States.