Trump`s `100 days` after the election

Abu Hena :
The nauseated psychological drama “Shame” has begun to tap into the dark realities connected with sex addiction in the U.S. when many find their life thrown into turmoil. Many feel helpless in their unending pursuit to find women. And as one admitted frankly, “I was meeting girls on the basket ball court, in the club, pulling my car over to meet them on the street”. “Like looking for a prey, kind of. You’re totally jacked up, adrenalized.” Donald Trump who knows many things better than others, is a master in this field. To him kissing forcefully at first sight, groping, and moving heavily on married women is the sacred creed of ‘Trump culture’. He claims everything by his own right as a reality TV star, grabs women waiting for taxi- cab and gropes any woman he finds attractive. He is a ‘stinking rich’, ‘smart tax avoider’ and a ‘violent rapist’ who has no remorse or backward sense of guilt. He is beyond self-correction.
Every sane and civilized society advocates sexual sobriety. Research shows that substance abusers and sex addicts alike form a dependency on the brain’s pleasure- center neurotransmitter, dopamine. “It is all about chasing that emotional high: losing yourself in image after image , prostitute after prostitute, affair after affair”, says Sexual Recovery Institute’s Weiss. “They end up losing relationships, getting diseases, and losing jobs”.(Newsweek, Dec 5,2011) Dominique Strauss Kahn, former head of the IMF looked fit and ready to become the next President of France. New York’s Sofitel Hotel maid’s allegations of a violent attack as a “crazy man” brought his ambition to an end. So far 11 women have brought allegations of sexual assault against Trump and yet he is defiant as ever because he is ‘a star’.
Trump’s self-glorified pattern of sex behavior may be called the fleeting ego gratification, which grows from innumerable conquests. He has admitted that he ‘moved heavily on a married woman’ with the intent to violate her. An attempt to rape is the same offence as rape and is punishable in the same manner. So the first thing Donald Trump is going to do after November 8 election, is to surrender before the court of law and get the punishment for all the sex offences he has committed.
Trump has committed an act of treason by inviting Russia to hack the U.S. cyberspace allowing Russia’s Putin to use his influence operation and psychological warfare to discredit the entire idea of a free and fair election. Trump has ties to Russia’s Putin.
Trump’s former campaign manager worked for Putin’s proxy in Ukraine until the pro-Western uprising there, and Trump, his family and foreign policy adviser have done tens of millions of dollars of business in Russia. The exact amount is unclear as Trump has declined to disclose details of his Russian business partners and also defied public demands to disclose his tax returns. Trump has praised Putin during the campaign and although the U.S. intelligence community has “high confidence” that Russian intelligence services were responsible for hacking of DNC e-mails, Trump said it was not clear the Russians were behind it.
” In Trump, Putin has found an almost perfect, if unwitting, ally for his influence operation,” Time said. Donald Trump’s words about U.S. allies like NATO implied that national security was a financial transaction. That means if the allies did not pay their dues, he would abandon them. This is exactly what Putin wants from his surrogate Donald Trump.
The United States and its allies are fighting an undeclared war in Syria where Russian airstrikes, carried out from Iranian base, have killed thousands of civilians in Aleppo. Trump has come out with an appeasement policy towards Putin as Chamberlain did to Hitler when he had invaded his neighboring states during the World War II. In his latest statement, Trump said,” What we should do is focus on ISIS. We should not be focusing on Syria. You’re going to end up in World War Three over Syria if we listen to Hillary Clinton.
” This is exactly what Putin and his henchman Bashar al- Assad want the United States to do. By now, everything is crystal clear-Trump is a Russian plant. It’s time all his Russian connections are thoroughly investigated with utmost urgency and speed before it becomes too late to act. The investigating agencies must compel him to disclose details about his Russian connections and his financial transactions including his tax returns. That will bring out the truth about meddling of foreign powers in the November 8 election.
During the first presidential debate Hillary Clinton said, “Donald was one of the people who rooted for the housing crisis. He said back in 2006, “Gee, I hope, the market does collapse, because then I can go in and buy some and make some money.”
Trump immediately reacted saying, “That’s called business, by the way.” To Trump everything means business. He has business deal with Putin to weaken NATO and to keep the United States out of Syria. He must defeat Hillary Clinton whom Putin considers an enemy. He suggests that finding a way to avoid paying federal taxes was “smart”.
He said that rooting for the housing crash was merely a matter of business, rather than utter amorality. Such evil men can sell the greatest country on earth, ever created, and say, “That’s called business, by the way”. Trump has already exposed himself fully and clearly to the American people showing the depth he could stoop to and that what is horrifying. Now is the time of reckoning. And as Roosevelt said, “There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation has a rendezvous with destiny.” This is very true of the present American generation of whom much is expected.

[Writer was elected MP in the 7th and 8th parliaments of Bangladesh. He is an author, columnist and political analyst]
