Trump sheds anti-China rhetoric, sounds upbeat after talks with Xi

US President Donald Trump meets Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.
US President Donald Trump meets Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.
Agencies, Palm Beach :
US President Donald Trump said on Friday he had made progress in talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and expected them to overcome many problems – a marked contrast to the stridently anti-China rhetoric of Trump’s election campaign.
Sitting across from Xi on the second day of a Florida summit overshadowed by US missile strikes in Syria, Trump declared that his relationship with the Chinese leader was outstanding after they discussed trade irritants and concerns about North Korea’s nuclear programme.
The US president had said he intended to raise concerns about China’s trade practices and press Xi to do more to rein in North Korea’s nuclear ambitions during his visit to the Spanish-style Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, though no major deals on either issue are expected.
The Republican president, who took office on Jan 20, tweeted last week that the United States could no longer tolerate massive trade deficits and job losses and that his meeting with Xi Jinping “will be a very difficult one”.
On Friday, there was a change of tone. “We have made tremendous progress in our relationship with China,” Trump said as the two delegations met around tables flanked by large US and Chinese flags.
“I think truly progress has been made. We will be making additional progress. The relationship developed by President Xi and myself I think is outstanding.
“And I believe lots of very potentially bad problems will be going away,” he added.
The highly anticipated US-China summit has been upstaged, however, by missile strikes overnight against a Syrian air base from which Trump said a deadly chemical weapon attack had been launched. It was the first direct US assault on the Russian-backed government of Bashar al Assad in six years of civil war.
The swift action in Syria could be interpreted as a signal especially to defiant nuclear-armed North Korea and by extension, its ally China as well as other countries like Iran and Russia of Trump’s willingness to use military force if deemed necessary.
US security concerns with China also focus on Beijing’s expansive territorial claims in the strategic South China Sea.
A senior administration official said Donald Trump informed Xi about the strikes as their dinner concluded on Thursday night. Trump then made a televised statement on the operation he said he ordered in retaliation for the poison gas attack in a rebel-held area on Tuesday.
In Beijing, China’s foreign ministry urged all parties in Syria to find a political settlement.
Trump and Xi, politicians with distinctly different styles and experience levels, appeared cordial and businesslike in their initial interactions, with no outward sign of tensions.
The protocol-conscious Chinese earlier had privately expressed concerns that the unpredictable Trump might publicly embarrass the veteran Communist Party chief.