Trump says not `morally obligated` to defend Obama


AFP, Des Moines :Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said Saturday he was not morally obligated to defend Barack Obama after he let pass unchallenged a questioner’s assertion that the US leader is a Muslim.In a rapid-fire series of tweets, the billionaire real estate mogul responded to a barrage of criticism of his handling of the Thursday incident, which came from Democrats and one fellow Republican candidate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.”Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don’t think so!” Trump wrote, ending an unusually long period of silence after he was largely quiet on Friday.But later in the day, the bombastic businessman struck a different tone, acknowledging when asked that he would have “no problem” with appointing a Muslim American to his cabinet if he were elected. Trump, who helped fuel a “birther” movement in 2011 by repeatedly demanding Obama prove he wasn’t born in Kenya, appeared to encourage a man at a campaign stop in New Hampshire Thursday after he made the incorrect assertion about Obama’s faith.
