Tribal farmers busy in jhum cultivation

A Correspondent, Rangamati :
The tribal people of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) are now busy in jhum cultivation.
The women and the small members of the tribal families have also joined the cultivation.
Jhum is a traditional cultivation of CHT. Different ethnic groups have been living here for long. They produce various crops, vegetables and fruits through this farming method round the year.
In the Bengali months of Poush and Magh, they clear the hills by removing jungle. In the Bengali months of Falgun and Chaitra, they set afire the hills, burning down the jungles to ashes. These ashes contain fertilisers which are necessary for growing various crops.
In the Bengali months of Baishakh and Jaistha, the tribal people sow the seeds of different crops, vegetables and fruits on the hills.
During the months of Bhadra and Ashwin, they harvest the crops.